Calculates the position: absolute
coordinates of a given element so it can be positioned with respect to the
target in the visually most efficient way, taking various restrictions like viewport or limiter geometry
into consideration.
Note: If there are no position coordinates found that meet the requirements (arguments of this helper),
is returned.
// The element which is to be positioned.
const element = document.body.querySelector( '#toolbar' );
// A target to which the element is positioned relatively.
const target = document.body.querySelector( '#container' );
// Finding the optimal coordinates for the positioning.
const { left, top, name } = getOptimalPosition( {
element: element,
target: target,
// The algorithm will chose among these positions to meet the requirements such
// as "limiter" element or "fitInViewport", set below. The positions are considered
// in the order of the array.
positions: [
// [ Target ]
// +-----------------+
// | Element |
// +-----------------+
targetRect => ( {
top: targetRect.bottom,
left: targetRect.left,
name: 'mySouthEastPosition'
} ),
// +-----------------+
// | Element |
// +-----------------+
// [ Target ]
( targetRect, elementRect ) => ( {
top: - elementRect.height,
left: targetRect.left,
name: 'myNorthEastPosition'
} )
// Find a position such guarantees the element remains within visible boundaries of <body>.
limiter: document.body,
// Find a position such guarantees the element remains within visible boundaries of the browser viewport.
fitInViewport: true
} );
// The best position which fits into document.body and the viewport. May be useful
// to set proper class on the `element`.
console.log( name ); // -> "myNorthEastPosition"
// Using the absolute coordinates which has been found to position the element
// as in the diagram depicting the "myNorthEastPosition" position. = top; = left;
The input data and configuration of the helper.
DomPoint | null